Arash Law by Arash Homampour – The Real Arash
HLF occasionally publishes videos & articles by Arash and his team of attorneys delivering real insight into different areas of the law. We also include updates on recent cases and information on the Homampour firm. Sign up below:
On There Is A Light Foundation
In the 12th video of this series Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour is proud to announce his nonprofit foundation – There Is A Light. This foundation will provide grants and mentoring to individuals who demonstrate a need to get to that next level in their life. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: Another very, very important… View ArticleOctober 11, 2021
On New Record Label
In the 11th video of this series Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour shares about his new record label, There Is A Light Records. This label allows him to showcase artists, musicians, DJs and record producers to get their music out in the universe. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: Not only did I start a new… View ArticleSeptember 14, 2021
On Pursuing Passions
In the 10th video of this series Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour shares about how important it is to pursue one’s passions in life. Two of his passions are music and DJing, specifically Tech House. He released his EP “Lonely Dream” earlier this year. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: One of the interesting things that… View ArticleAugust 10, 2021
On Being A Better Version Of Yourself
In the ninth video of this series Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour speaks candidly to students who have recently graduated from college during these tough times. He offers advice on how to be happy where you are and encouraging you to be the best version of yourself. Video Transcript Arash Homampour It’s a tough… View ArticleJuly 12, 2021
On Zoom Depositions
In the eighth video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour addresses the concerns of some attorneys that remote depositions can affect the nature and substance of the testimony they get. Arash believes that there is an art to properly taking a deposition and feels that remote ones can prove to be better… View ArticleJune 25, 2021
On Remote Working
In the seventh video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour highlights that his firm has been paperless for over 20 years. This has allowed many of his attorneys, paralegals and staff to work remotely. Therefore, when the Covid pandemic hit, it was business as usual for the firm and they did not… View ArticleJune 14, 2021
On Taking Care Of Clients
In the sixth video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour discusses how Covid has caused a reduction in cases for attorneys. He recommends that attorneys use this time to devote the best quality of service to existing clients and revamp their processes to do an even better job moving forward. Video Transcript… View ArticleMay 20, 2021
On Referring Attorneys & Better Outcomes
In the fifth video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour emphasizes the importance that referring attorneys understand how much they and their clients can gain by bringing in another firm when they need assistance with a large or complex case. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: It’s very important for referring attorneys to really… View ArticleMay 4, 2021
On Choosing A Lawyer
In the fourth video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour recommends doing your research when looking for a lawyer. Many law firms and attorneys pay for the awards they receive, he recommends clients look at a trial attorney’s results as a better indicator of how they can help you win your case…. View ArticleApril 15, 2021
On Defendants Lowballing Due To COVID-19
In the third video of this series, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour discusses how some defendants and insurance companies think they can take advantage, due to COVID-19, and offer much less money than they should. He emphasizes that the Homampour Law Firm never operates from fear and has the resources to wait things out… View ArticleApril 2, 2021
On COVID-19 And Staffing
Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour values his employees and has made it a priority to keep them on staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: The COVID pandemic absolutely devastated humans across the world and obviously a lot of businesses. A lot of businesses, restaurants and small businesses had to shut down… View ArticleMarch 21, 2021
On Covid-19 And Jury Verdicts
In this video, Homampour Law Firm Attorney Arash Homampour discusses the effects COVID-19 will have on how a jury views damages or liability once jury trials resume. Video Transcript Arash Homampour: There’s a lot of speculation and actual concern about how is COVID and the pandemic and the effect on our economy and the death… View ArticleFebruary 24, 2021